Sunday, October 21, 2012

combined eyes! :D

thank God that He gave worthy opportunity for both of the eyes to meet with each other long time ago..when these eyes met, there was a feeling which is couldn't be explained by words emerged in their hearts..a feeling that made both of the eyes to have the special feeling between another..and it is very true that 'true love can wait'.. even though both eyes never seen each other for four years, yet the special feeling still in their hearts..waiting and waiting for God makes way for them to meet again..these eyes have never planned to meet with each other..but, God says that "My plan is not ur plan" and "everything is wonderful in its own time.." after four years, God made us to meet with each other and with His love, He made us to be wonderful is our God..He always gives the best for each and every one of us..have hope and faith in Him as He will never forsake us..may God bless our relationship..thank you Lord! :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

now is the end of September which is 30th..tmorrow is going to be, time pass quickly without anyone could principle or concept that we can hve for time is there is no turning back..meaning to say, time will not go back easily, once it has passed then it passed is impossible for us to be in the 2010 if we already in 2012 right now..

so, if tmorrow is October..then, meaning to say, our final exam in in the corner..our exam will be start on 29th october..hence, there is only a few days left for my friends and i to do our revision so that we can do well in our examination..i pray that there is none of us that will failed this semester..i pray that all of us will passed the examination with flying colors..well, this exam will be a bit difficult for us as we have two major subject that actually difficult for us..however, personally, i believed that i can do well in this examination with the strength that God had given to me.. 

God is my Shepherd! He definitely will help me in everything that i do..especially in this examination..then, if I have God as my good Shepherd, then there is nothing that i should, God did not gave us the spirit of fear or worry.. but, He did gave us the spirit of strength so that i can handle all the obstacles in my life with the strength that God had given to me..besides, He also had promised that whoever lacks in wisdom should ask Him to get the wisdom where He will definitely gave to those who asked for it..then, God also promise that whoever ask something will be given to her, and whoever seek something will definitely found it and whoever knock on the door, then that door will be open for just felt so great to have an amazing Father like You thankful for everything..bless me that i can pass my exam with flying colors..and i really want You to hold me, i don't want to walk alone..but be with me Lord..coz i knew that in You, i will be safe and i can do all things...hallelujah, thank you Lord Jesus, in Jesus name, i prayed..amen.. :D

the Lord is my Shepherd..and I shall not in want~

i will not worry~

yesss! God is good and He is always with and forever..
i want to leave evrything in God's hand..i want to pray more..pray, pray, and pray..

ask, seek, and knock..u will have all of it.. :D

If lack wisdom..ask God..He will give it to you..amen..
and then stay strong and firm in your faith with Lord Jesus...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

friends.. gift from JESUS

i felt blessed with many friends around me that always encouraged me especially in our relationship with Jesus...i believe that God had His own reason on why He given u those people in ur we all know, things happen with reasons..and there must be a reason why those people become ur friends..

i am thankful for the gift of friendship in my was very wonderful and beautiful for having many good friends..thank you Lord, for Your gift and mercy in our life..we praise You.. <3 <3

these photos taken when we went to church at the last sunday..we went to 2 services which were the SIB Church and also the Basel church.. it was a blessed moments for amazed with God's love in my life..i just couldn't say it in word..there is no words that able to describe God's love in our, i just kept crying as i was touched and during the KKR at Basel Church was very wonderful..the sharing conveyed by Pdt. Yanvantius Tulai from Indonesian..i was blessed and i also able to tell God on how i really wants to serve Him full time..however, i knew that God has something better for me..He planned everything that is good for all of His, i will let God controls my whole life..amen..

during BIG II :D

me and umie <3

rose and I :D

hehe..ting was really cute!

sharing God's love..

blessed! wonderful!

me in nice attire :)

cute~ both of them~

yea.. <3

i love them..

we are God's princesses..

ting and me..


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a gift in the form of picture made by Pd for RESALONICA YEYEN

this is a gift in the form of picture that Pd @ Phrydy had made for me.. he said that he is afraid to let other people see, so he sent it through my fb account~ look at it..i think it looks nice right~ :D

Monday, September 3, 2012


on the last 2th0 to 22th of August, there was an event that was held at Sandakan, Sabah. this event is known as Sukan Antara Paroki (SAPA). so, different team from different paroki joined this event and they did it very well.. the first place was won by the Paroki Telupid.. they were very active and extremely amazing in all of the sports that had been conducted..then, thank God as even though the Paroki Tuaran has no practice at all, but we still managed to win the second, it is an achievement for us..then, it is worth for us to sit in the car or in the van for hours... so, i would like to share some pictures on our event..Jesus bless all of you..

we take picture before arrived at Sandakan Town :D

forgot to tell~ we are at Kundasang, Sabah!

the opening night for this event~

me in borrowed jersey =.=

yea! our team won for the futsal game (girl)

last day for this event~

the men futsal team! chayo guys!

our team only failed to win the game with the Telupid team.. all of them were extremely active~ im impressed! :D

This cute little girl named Kelly always with her chipsmore wherever she goes.. :)

im with lala.. :D

im with pingash~ both of us got sunburn already..

the closing night..

yea! our team...

sharing God's love together..amen

we have the opportunity to go at Sepilok before proceed our journey back to Tuaran.. and thank God that we arrived safely :DD

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

it is only because of God's grace...

for everything that happened in our life..even it is in the past, present or future..always remind that there is not even one thing that happened without God noticed or know about it... He knew everything very well...even our future too..then, same with all the people that we have in our life..God has His own plan on why He made us to meet with those what people say,

some people come to our life as blessing..but some of them are also come so that we can learned something from them..

so, there are no absolute concept that we met with people that only can bring disadvantage to us..and even there is one..we as God's children should notice that God made us to meet with them so that we can be a blessing to them and become the light and salt for this entire world..hence,e, we should never said that we met with wrong person or else... we should give thanks in be thankful that God has given the most wonderful people in your life..believes..that they are not just come and go in your life...God has something big in His plan for each and every one of us..

so...i would like to share the picture that show the people that i loved in my life..for additional information, this is not including all..because, if i put all of the wonderful people in my life..then it wouldn't be this is just some of them..people who had made changes in my life...those who i loved with the Jesus love in me..thank you Lord for all of these people...they are the WONDERFUL GIFTS from You...yes! definitely!!! Halleluyah! :DDDD

family and friends in Jesus we are ONE! :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Revival will begin at my church~ Amen!

there are a few days left before this event will take very nervous and excited for this event..i knew that God has something bigger for us in His time and His way..i pray and fast so that this event will go smoothly as what we had planned.. i pray that God will change or touch the hearts of the people that will come to this event.. i pray that there will be a transformation..there will be a REVIVAL!
i believed that God works in many and different ways.. and one of they way is through our dream..sometimes God show us something through our dream..however, we should not over think about it and continually seek God for the clues..i believed that each and every one of us would like to know what God's is going to do..what are the purposes that God had in His own for just pray and pray and pray!! for when u pray, there are more power of God will go on you..besides, God will answer your prayer! believed and have faith!!

God, i pray for:
this KKR..may everything will go on smoothly as what we had planned..i pray for the place, the program, budget, and all things that we needed..i pray that may You will bless us Lord.. i pray for Pdt. Ferry, Jason & Vincent..may You bless them Father Lord, give them healthy body and prepare them so that they will be able to give the best for You and become the 'Saluran Berkat' for other people.. i pray for the people that will come to our event Lord..may Your Holy Spirit work within them right now..may You touch their hearts so that they have the intention to go and receive the anointment from You..and lastly, I pray Father for us...those who involved in this project..i pray God, that may we are able to be one in anything..especially this event..may we can worked together and do not ever let the evil spirit or the breaking up spirit..i pray that God..may Your will that will be not let us to take away the praise..but, use us that each and every one of us might be able to used everything that is in us to praise You and for You.. Halleluyah, in Jesus's name..amen! :D

The picture of Pdt Ferry with Jason..may God bless both of them and Vincent too :))

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

in everything GIVE THANKS and BELIEVE IN HIM!

this is a sharing about my sister..i had decided to write about her life story as it is good because it can be used in other times to give a testimony on how God works in our life..before that, i would like to introduce my sister..her name is lyenieta which i usually called her eta or moy.. what a lovely name that she has! :) well, let's begin! the story start when my sister planned to return to Sabah from Kuala Lumpur..she wants to find a work here and live in, she start to find another job and because of God's grace, she was able to get a new job in Sabah..and she had been accepted! great is our God! then, she started to pack her things and get everything to be done there, and then she went back to Sabah..however, she had a problem where the new company that had offered her the new job told her that she only can get into the new job when the company had completely moved to a new place or a new my sister had to wait around 1 month to get that job.. during that moment, my sister was totally worry about her life.. she was stressed because she does not have any job and people around her always ask her about her new job..then, she begins to worry..she called the new company but as usual they said to her that my sister only can get into her new job when the new office had sister was totally stressed and worry..she told me her feeling and problem, and i advised her to believe God and ask Him in prayer..then my sister agreed..i also told her to find another job and she also agreed and went for the interview..then as usual the company also told her to wait for the answer.. during these sister was worry and worry..she pray and believe in God but she still worry.. there was a night where she was really worry about her problem until she asked me whether she needs to call the company by herself.. and, i said to her..just do it if you want to..but i also remind her about God..i said to her..believe in God..our part is only 'to BELIEVE' as God will do the is very clear in God's words that He said do not worry! seek the kingdom of God first and the others will be added to you.. that was what i had told my sister on that night..then i also asked her to pray..the next day, she messaged me and said that she had been called by the new company and they asked her to get into the new job on 2nd of May.. my sister as totally happy and joyful.. then i remind her..we just need to BELIEVE and continuously BELIEVE GOD in our life..she agreed with me and thanked God for His works! i also was happy and thankful to God as He had answered our prayer.. then, all things go very well until there is another problem faced by my sister.. she had a problem in the transportation for her to go her new office.. for the first day of her going into the new office, my cousin was able to drive her to work..then it is easy for my sister..then, for the next day, my cousin was not able to drive my sister to her workplace anymore..then, she started to worry..she worry because she needs to take bus to go into her workplace by herself.. it is hard because she needs to walk out from home around 6am, then she needs to get into the bus and the bus needs to be full by passengers first before it depart.. then, my sister also need to took 2 buses to get into her workplace..on that day, she also worried about the rain and complained about all of these things.. she messaged me and started to complain and complain! i was very sad with her actions but i did not reply her messages at all..i was sad because why did her complained and complained about all of the bad things that happened..why don't she try to give thanks in everything.. then, when she text me and said that she had arrived at her workplace safely, i decided to text her..and told her something... i said to her, why must we complained to God when we are in troubles and faced with any difficult situation? when Jesus have to sacrifice by being crucified at the cross..He had never complained to all of us..why did we must to complain for the little things that happened in our life..while Jesus had never complain to listen our prayer everyday and take care of our life since we were born into the world until today.. Jesus had to face a great temptation when He choose to die for us but He had never complained about it..then why we as humans need to complain about things.. i can felt that Jesus was sad with our actions..He was sad that we did not choose to believe in Him when we face with the difficult situation.. so, i told my believe in God.. He know what is the best for us.. and in every problems that we need to face, choose to praise God, believe Him and give thank to Him for the problem as we know that in our problem, our God is strengthen us! we can't see how Go works in our life if there is no problem at all.. God give us the problems in our life so that we can have faith in Him and kept believing in Him.. thank God that my sister can accept the advice very well..she ask forgiveness from our Heavenly Father and she said that she does not want to complain anymore...i thank God for my sister's awareness.. so, this is what i choose in my life..i choose to praise God and thankful to Him in any situation that i face in my life..even though that there are so many temptation in my life, i choose to give thank to God and kept BELIEVING in Him.. i know that when i BELIEVE in God and does not worry about other things.. God will take my worry and works on that moment i will stand in God's hand..thank you Lord for Your great works in my life..and thank you for all of the circumstances in my life and thank you for Your love that give me hope for me to live my life according to Your will and only Your Will that will be done..hallelujah, amen! be blessed everyone! :D