Thursday, September 27, 2012

friends.. gift from JESUS

i felt blessed with many friends around me that always encouraged me especially in our relationship with Jesus...i believe that God had His own reason on why He given u those people in ur we all know, things happen with reasons..and there must be a reason why those people become ur friends..

i am thankful for the gift of friendship in my was very wonderful and beautiful for having many good friends..thank you Lord, for Your gift and mercy in our life..we praise You.. <3 <3

these photos taken when we went to church at the last sunday..we went to 2 services which were the SIB Church and also the Basel church.. it was a blessed moments for amazed with God's love in my life..i just couldn't say it in word..there is no words that able to describe God's love in our, i just kept crying as i was touched and during the KKR at Basel Church was very wonderful..the sharing conveyed by Pdt. Yanvantius Tulai from Indonesian..i was blessed and i also able to tell God on how i really wants to serve Him full time..however, i knew that God has something better for me..He planned everything that is good for all of His, i will let God controls my whole life..amen..

during BIG II :D

me and umie <3

rose and I :D

hehe..ting was really cute!

sharing God's love..

blessed! wonderful!

me in nice attire :)

cute~ both of them~

yea.. <3

i love them..

we are God's princesses..

ting and me..


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