Wednesday, March 28, 2012

~spending a whole week with my beloved family~

so, this is my lovely sweet that i can spent my time with them..especially my siblings..all of them are so adorable..1st, nonong, then haikal , and thirdly is wiwi...

my mum, my siblings, and me was waiting for uncle to come back from the lovely the scenery !

look at the beautiful sunset..owh! how God make things beautiful~

yea! love them..muahmuahmuah..

hehe..look at haikal..he shines the most :)

i luv u sista! well~ i luv u more my little brother! :)

haha, look at us..being crazy at uk, Labuan.. ^__^

this is my elder sister and younger sister..they are beautiful than me, muahahaha :)

my brother got his head bald as the next door girl made this to mum is furious with the girl, but at last  still my brother got the punishment..o my dear mum, when will u change =.=

this is me and my sister, i look fatter than

yea! my cousin, my siblings and me :)

this is my beautiful sister, momoy :))

our siblings's picture taken with haikal opened his mouth :)

then, the second, our sibling's picture taken with nonong opened up his mouth so bigger than haikal..




can't wait to eat the cheesecake in front of us :)

haha, it is my sister who took this picture :)

lovely, happy, cheerful :)

love u sista! = non0ng :)

nonong kissed his brother, haikal :)

my lovely family <3

my cousin and I :))

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