Wednesday, February 15, 2012

my beloved grandpa..

today is a different day..this day is not same as the other days before...
i woke up in this morning and suddenly my mind remind me that i had lost my grandpa..
i could not stop to keep thinking about my grandpa..i could not believes that i had lost my grandpa..i can't believes that my grandpa who had raised me and be with  me since i was 2 years old now had left me and went to Heaven, to meet with our Father Lord...
even though, i was sad when i thinking all of this, yet i still thankful as my grandpa was able to free from his suffered and passed away in peace....

i would like to share on how things going on the day when my grandpa left me....
on that day, which was 10th February 2012, i went home to visit my is because, my heart was uneasy when my cousin called me on the night, i took the bus from Keningau to Kota Kinabalu..on the way back to home..suddenly, it rained heavily..i was afraid that i will be wet because of the rain..when i arrived at Tuaran, it is already at 5 pm..then, i called my cousin and asked whether he wants to go back home or not..he called me back and told me that he wants to go back too.. then, when i arrived at home, my cousin told me to look at my grandpa's condition.. then, when i came into his room, i found out that he was lying there with the difficulties in breathing and he was very cousin told me that my grandpa had not eaten for 1 week and more.. i talked to my grandpa but he didn't reply me..but i noticed that he is actually was listened to me..however, he could not reply me as he was unable to speak and also unable to open his eyes that time, i was so sad and i cried a lot because of my grandpa's condition..then, from the day i came into my grandpa's room, i had never leave his room until he passed away..i asked my cousin whether our pastor had come or not.. then, my eldest cousin come and together we helped our grandpa to have a that time, our grandpa was unable to talk but he wanted to talk to us..then, we realized that he tried to use hand signal to communicate with us..then, when our pastor had came..she and few others came into the room and check my grandpa's condition..they asked us to give him some water, i did gave it to him but he refused to drink the water..then, pastor and the others prayed for my that time, my grandpa cried and said how much he was hurt..i was very afraid and sad when i looked to my grandpa..when pastor had finished prayed for my grandpa, they went back...15 minutes after pastor and the others went back, all of us which is the cousins left in the room and looked after our that time, he sit and lean on us..suddenly, he stopped to breath like the way on how he usually breathed.. i started to panic and cried..then, our grandpa's body was not moved like usual.. i yelled and cried..i asked my grandpa to answer me, to reply me, and to wake cousins also start to cry..all of us were crying and looking to our grandpa who was not breathing at all.. at that time, my grandpa hold my hand tightly.. he had never release my hand until the moment when he really had passed away...on that night, i was too shocked, i could not believed that my grandpa was in the coffin as i had just talked to him on the evening..really, God have His own reason on everything that had happened.. i thank God that i was able to comfort my grandpa by saying that he will be ok as he will definitely come into the Heaven, the Kingdom of God..there he will be with my grandma.. so that  its...the true and the real story on how my beloved grandpa left the world.......

my memories~ only grandpa and me..yen :))

kake msh shat lg..blm skit lg :))
i took picture with my luv kake..look on how much i love him!

kake started to skit2 already..but, he never tell us that he was sick..that is my grandpa..sgt keras kpala =.=

o~~ how much i l0ve u grandpa..tq so much...mmuah <3

this is my grandpa, my father and my bestfriend.. i love himto the uttermost~

blessed bday grandpa..u know that we loved u :))

memories...he is with and 4ever... :')

dear grandpa...thank u for u had raised me well...thank u grandpa that u had raised me as ur own child..thank u for the love that u had gave it to me..thank u for u had sacrificed a lot for me..i'll remember ur voice and ur words will be with me always..grandpa...our memories will never be taken away from me..i promised that i will grant ur wish..dear grandpa..please, send my regards to grandma..and ask our Father Lord Jesus to help me throughout my life especially in my study..thank you grandpa..tq so much..
 i love you for a thousand years dear grandpa......

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