Wednesday, April 25, 2012

i want to live my life for God and glorifying His name..

God shows His love when He willingly to let His One and Only Son to die on the cross as by doing that Jesus is able to free the man from their sin.. this also is one of the way that Jesus can bring the man to get closer with God.. yes! Jesus came down to earth to be same like us and faced with the judgement just because He loves we all so much! there is really nothing else that can compare the eternal love that Jesus had given to each and every one of us..  hence, let us reflect on ourselves.. do we had sacrifice anything in our life even once for Jesus? do we have?

 if yes..then please go on with what you had done as it delighted our God..but if not, this moment.take a decision to live our life for everything we do, in everything we say, and in everything we think..let our Lord Jesus be in the first your life for Jesus and i am really sure that you may be able to feel all the blessing and love that God had given to us.. as by doing this, we are able to feel and to see the wonderful plan that God had prepared for each and every one of us.. 

i believes that our God is wonderful! He is an amazing God! now..let make our God to smile and let's work with God in preparing for His coming kingdom.. you can do this by becoming the light and the salt for this world.. by doing that, you are sharing to the world on how God has works in your life and it is a beautiful life...thank you LORD blessed everyone :)

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