Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

it is only because of God's grace...

for everything that happened in our life..even it is in the past, present or future..always remind that there is not even one thing that happened without God noticed or know about it... He knew everything very well...even our future too..then, same with all the people that we have in our life..God has His own plan on why He made us to meet with those what people say,

some people come to our life as blessing..but some of them are also come so that we can learned something from them..

so, there are no absolute concept that we met with people that only can bring disadvantage to us..and even there is one..we as God's children should notice that God made us to meet with them so that we can be a blessing to them and become the light and salt for this entire world..hence,e, we should never said that we met with wrong person or else... we should give thanks in be thankful that God has given the most wonderful people in your life..believes..that they are not just come and go in your life...God has something big in His plan for each and every one of us..

so...i would like to share the picture that show the people that i loved in my life..for additional information, this is not including all..because, if i put all of the wonderful people in my life..then it wouldn't be this is just some of them..people who had made changes in my life...those who i loved with the Jesus love in me..thank you Lord for all of these people...they are the WONDERFUL GIFTS from You...yes! definitely!!! Halleluyah! :DDDD

family and friends in Jesus we are ONE! :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Revival will begin at my church~ Amen!

there are a few days left before this event will take very nervous and excited for this event..i knew that God has something bigger for us in His time and His way..i pray and fast so that this event will go smoothly as what we had planned.. i pray that God will change or touch the hearts of the people that will come to this event.. i pray that there will be a transformation..there will be a REVIVAL!
i believed that God works in many and different ways.. and one of they way is through our dream..sometimes God show us something through our dream..however, we should not over think about it and continually seek God for the clues..i believed that each and every one of us would like to know what God's is going to do..what are the purposes that God had in His own for just pray and pray and pray!! for when u pray, there are more power of God will go on you..besides, God will answer your prayer! believed and have faith!!

God, i pray for:
this KKR..may everything will go on smoothly as what we had planned..i pray for the place, the program, budget, and all things that we needed..i pray that may You will bless us Lord.. i pray for Pdt. Ferry, Jason & Vincent..may You bless them Father Lord, give them healthy body and prepare them so that they will be able to give the best for You and become the 'Saluran Berkat' for other people.. i pray for the people that will come to our event Lord..may Your Holy Spirit work within them right now..may You touch their hearts so that they have the intention to go and receive the anointment from You..and lastly, I pray Father for us...those who involved in this project..i pray God, that may we are able to be one in anything..especially this event..may we can worked together and do not ever let the evil spirit or the breaking up spirit..i pray that God..may Your will that will be not let us to take away the praise..but, use us that each and every one of us might be able to used everything that is in us to praise You and for You.. Halleluyah, in Jesus's name..amen! :D

The picture of Pdt Ferry with Jason..may God bless both of them and Vincent too :))