Tuesday, August 23, 2011

blessed bday :))

thnx God as HE is my great Father Lord...
during my bday, U gave me presents by using the people in my life..
i realized that U had showed to me that Ur LOVE is the great things in this world...
i was thankful that U had given me my families that always support me in my life...
thnx for my beloved sister who always pray for me...
thnx for joshua who love me as who i am and try to make me happy even though that he was far away from me...
thnx for U who had given me all of my friends that made me happy in my life..
U had showed me that this life is meaningful..U had showed me that family, friends, and my beloved are the precious gifts in my life..
dear Father Lord, i do not know what to say,  but really U r my most amazing Father...i give thanks for each and everything that U had done for me...
thnx u for U r my God that never fails...
thnx u for Ur LOVE never fails....