Tuesday, March 29, 2011

live for GOD.......

the last weekend, i had attended a christianity camp..this camp was attended by the christian students..the sabah campus crusade for Christ (SCCC) was the one who had organized this camp..
pastor Jastin had delivered a talk or sharing about what make the people especially teenagers to have a problem in their relationship with God...so he said that there are 3 main things that make us far apart from God which are,
1. think about the bad things
2. do the 'paganism'
3. involved in sex before marriage

so, these are the three things that made us far apart from God....
our GOD is so wonderful...He always look for His children who really feel sorry about their sin and have the desire to repent....
God never make us dissapointed...He will always be there when we need them....
o God...how wonderful You are...with the love and your grace..please take us higher Lord.....
thank you for making our lives so wonderful.... :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

its m0ck exam!!!

now, we're having our m0ck examinati0n....well, the questions are not difficult at all..however, it is a little bit confusing...
there are many rules in ENGLISH~ fuhhhh..............................
s0, what can i have...i believed that we need to learn by heart as ENGLISH is not something that we need to memorize or understand....
we need to live with ENGLISH...
make it as part of our lives, then it will make us as the part of ENGLISH to0!....
hehee... am i right?? ^^ please, think about it.. thanks! :D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

luv grandpa!

today...on March o3, it is my beloved grandpa's birthday!!
im so happy..may GOD bless him always...
for my grandpa~
"....TQ as u had been the person that always supporting me in my life...
THANK YOU LORD...as YOU had given me a person like my grandpa to me...
for he is an amazing person.. so meaningful to me..and he is my whole life..
Bless him as u had bless me to0..
i love YOU, FATHER...as YOU had given me a person that love me so much to0....
and... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH GRANDPA...THANK YOU! <3 <3...." ^^

blessed bday to luv grandpa <3

mmuaah! luv u kake.. ^^

my beloved grandpa.. ^^